"You are what you eat, so don't be FAST, EASY, or CHEAP!"

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It's only been 4 days?!?!

Changes....for the good!

Last week our nutritionist came up with a wonderful idea for those who were interested to join in a "study" and commit to 30 days of a lifestyle change (I hate the word diet because I have failed so many times at that).  Basically we are learning a new way of eating and along the way being rewarded with weight loss.  So I decided that this is something I would like to try and see if it helps me.  So Friday morning I ordered a Starbucks double chocolate chip frappe (light of course) and drank all of it - it felt like my farewell to bad choices. 

Personally I think this would be a lot easier if temptation wasn't around every corner I turned.  And just because I decided to make some changes doesn't mean all the bad foods disappear from my life.  I have been tempted with brownies, breads, cookies, pastas.  Name it and I have been around it in the past 4 days.  Has turning it down been easy - no way!  But with each "no" I feel like it has gotten a little easier.  I find myself asking "do I really need that" and what rewards will I get by eating it vs. saying no and picking a better choice. 

And being a full time working mom makes it a little harder.  But so far I have been able to do it.  And if I can get my kids and husband to see that I am able to continue making these changes and notice the changes in myself then maybe they will get on board as well. 

So here I am - day 4 of sugar busters and I can honestly say I feel a difference in the way I feel.  I haven't felt sluggish the last few days and I even feel like I am in a better mood.  I am going to learn to like new foods that I may not have in the past because with each good choice I make I am going to be rewarded in many ways - weight loss, better health, longer life and a better attitude about myself. 

So be sure and keep up with my blog because I want to post my good days, bad days, inspiration and how I have done at the end of these 30 days! 

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