"You are what you eat, so don't be FAST, EASY, or CHEAP!"

Thursday, July 31, 2014

It's really working!!

So here I am 6 days later and still going strong avoiding sugary foods.  My husband and kids have both said they don't know how I am doing it.  It hasn't been the easiest but with each passing day I am that much stronger and more determined to make this a permanent choice for my life. 

This morning our nutritionist, Rainie, wanted to go weigh so we ran downstairs to the scales to see if there had been any changes.  And to our surprise we have both lost weight.  I have lost a total of 5lbs. since beginning this last Friday.  I can't tell you how excited I am to see results and quickly.  In the past I have tried diets and different ways to lose weight and it seemed like losing the pounds was slow and then I would get frustrated and quit.  But learning to read nutritional labels has taught me a lot!  A lot of foods have sugar in them that I didn't even think about.  I am a girl that loves bread and pasta and in the past I have continued eating those items and just given up your normal sweets aka brownies, cookies, cakes.  Not saying I can't have breads or pastas but just have to make sure they are whole wheat and only eat a certain amount per day (No more than 3 grain or starchy vegetable serving per day. This includes rice, bread, potatoes, yams, pasta, oatmeal, quinoa, and any other grain. Serving size is 1 slice or ½ cup so total daily servings allowed is 1.5 cups).  But the good thing is I can have as much vegetables and fruits as I like so where I would normally fill up on junk food I am substituting for a healthier choice.  

I think forming habits is one of the easiest things we do in life.  And one of those habits is an eating pattern.  I am so used to eating fried foods, sweet foods and a lot of processed foods so changing this pattern is a bit of a challenge.  And I have never been one to read labels but I am having to make it a habit and pay close attention to what I am eating. 

I see this as becoming a part of my life and not just a 30 day challenge.  Especially because I see the changes and the results are great!! 

If you are interested in this please go to Rainie's blog, Be Well - it will forever change your way of eating and how you see food but in a good way! 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Pass the Bread

Tonight we ate at Panera Bread for dinner. I ordered a salad and it came with a large piece of bread.  I love bread and it's a major weakness for me. As soon as I got my meal I "passed the bread" from my plate.  If it sat on my plate during my meal I would have been more likely to eat it. 

I got to thinking - most sit down restaurants serve some sort of bread and butter before your meal comes to the table.  And while we are waiting with friends or family for our meals to come we pig out on delicious warm rolls and butter.  From experience by the time my meal arrives I'm already full on bread but eat my meal because I don't want to waste.  That's a lot of bread that turns to sugar in one meal.  

So next time you go to dinner think twice and just pass the bread!  :)

It's only been 4 days?!?!

Changes....for the good!

Last week our nutritionist came up with a wonderful idea for those who were interested to join in a "study" and commit to 30 days of a lifestyle change (I hate the word diet because I have failed so many times at that).  Basically we are learning a new way of eating and along the way being rewarded with weight loss.  So I decided that this is something I would like to try and see if it helps me.  So Friday morning I ordered a Starbucks double chocolate chip frappe (light of course) and drank all of it - it felt like my farewell to bad choices. 

Personally I think this would be a lot easier if temptation wasn't around every corner I turned.  And just because I decided to make some changes doesn't mean all the bad foods disappear from my life.  I have been tempted with brownies, breads, cookies, pastas.  Name it and I have been around it in the past 4 days.  Has turning it down been easy - no way!  But with each "no" I feel like it has gotten a little easier.  I find myself asking "do I really need that" and what rewards will I get by eating it vs. saying no and picking a better choice. 

And being a full time working mom makes it a little harder.  But so far I have been able to do it.  And if I can get my kids and husband to see that I am able to continue making these changes and notice the changes in myself then maybe they will get on board as well. 

So here I am - day 4 of sugar busters and I can honestly say I feel a difference in the way I feel.  I haven't felt sluggish the last few days and I even feel like I am in a better mood.  I am going to learn to like new foods that I may not have in the past because with each good choice I make I am going to be rewarded in many ways - weight loss, better health, longer life and a better attitude about myself. 

So be sure and keep up with my blog because I want to post my good days, bad days, inspiration and how I have done at the end of these 30 days!